Guangzhou Dim Sum Jumble Jumble Hat第八届广州极限飞盘分组邀请赛When: Sunday, November 22th 2015 时间:2015年11月22日 Where: Nangang, Pingzhou, Guicheng,Foshan Line1 Xilang Railway Station 地点:佛山市桂城平洲南港路段(平洲公园对面) 地铁一号线西朗站 比赛费用/ Payment deadline: 学生价(全日制中国学生): 10月25日21:00前,人民币160元 (HKD195); 10月25日21:00后,人民币190元(HKD230)。 其他人士: 10月25日21:00前,人民币180元 ( HKD220).; 10月25日21:00后,人民币210元(HKD260)。 *Early bird before 9 p.m 25th October *Normal price after 9 p.m 25th October **Early bird fee for students is RMB160(HKD195) for non-students is RMB180(HKD220) **Normal price for students is RMB190(HKD230) for non-students is RMB210(HKD260) The registration fee includes fields, food (water & fruits&drinks&snacks, breakfast and lunch) and a TOUGH ULTIMATE shorts. (TOUGH ULTIMATE的运动上衣跟短裤都是越南赛的制定制造商,质感有保障) 报名费包括场地费,餐饮费(水和水果,零食和午饭)和一个TOUGH ULTIMATE的短裤。 We have a limited number of participants of 130. The first 100 players will be registered in first come first serve, and the remaining 30 participants will be allocated by the tournament organizers based on their discretion(skill level, city, potential, university club). 这次比赛的人数限制为130人,我们将会保留报名付费的前100名选手的位子,剩下的30个位置我们会考虑其他报名者的水平,城市,潜力和所在俱乐部来选拔。 缴费方式Payment Options: 1. 支付宝帐号/Alipay: 2. 微信帐号/WeChat pay: yi563163614 3. 银行汇款-中国/Wire Transfer-China: 中国建设银行China Construction Bank 银行资料:中国建设银行广州分行天河东支行, 帐号 名称:6217 0033 2001 8593 791 Bank Name: China Construction Bank, Account : 6217 0033 2001 8593 791, Beneficiary Name: 郑毅(zhengyi) 4.现金: 你可以在Pan Asia的时间现金支付给 Elisa Cash: You can pay cash during Pan Asia ** 在您缴交费用后,请将支付水单连同您的hattournament 登记名称及WeChat ID, 手机号码回覆給 ** You Must e-mai with your registration name, Wechat ID, phone number, and screenshot. The registration opens on 9 p.m October 15th 2015!!!
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