- 可能是全中国最棒的沙滩飞盘赛场(世界沙滩排球锦标赛场地)!
- 两日比赛,一日观光,给你一个最棒的端午假期!
- 比赛、住宿、派对一站式安排,免去舟车劳顿!
- 交通便捷,快速抵达机场、火车站及市中心!
- 住宿怡人,帐篷酒店温馨浪漫,性价比高!
2015首届厦门沙滩极限飞盘分组赛 时间:2015年6月20-21日 地点:福建省厦门市湖里区观音山海滩
Might be the most fun beach hat in China! (World championship of volleyball has been held on this beach) Two-day tournament with one day left over to see Xiamen, a perfect holiday weekend! Games, party and accommodations all in the same location, saving the need for complicated transportation to and from fields Tranportation to the beach is extremely easy, an easy, fast taxi ride to the airport or train station and city center (about 20 minutes to each) Pleasant and affordable accommodations nearby All of this and more to be found at at.... The first-ever Xiamen Beach Hat, 2015!!!! Time: June 20-21, 2015 Place: Fujian, Xiamen, Huli District, Guanyinshan Beach (NOTE: If you want to sign up, click “我要报名” above. Those who can't read Chinese, feel free to call Will for help—phone number at the bottom of this page. Registration opens May 8.) 比赛场地实景拍摄 Guanyinshan Beach
参赛费用: 6月1日0点前,300元/人;6月1日0点后,350元/人。 学生价(全日制中国学生): 6月1日0点前,250元/人;6月1日0点后,300元/人。 Registration cost: Before June 1, 0:00, 300 yuan per person; After June 1, 0:00, 350 yuan per person Student cost: Before June 1, 0:00, 250 yuan per person; After June 1, 0:00, 300 yuan per person
费用包含: 周六和周日早餐、午餐、周六晚自助餐 全天饮用水、香蕉、冰块 场地及其他比赛设施 由深圳艾克体育提供的比赛纪念盘一个 由厦门哈吉体育提供的闽南特色食品伴手礼一份 由杭州小毛驴科技提供的赛事纪念品一份 每队男女各一名“飞盘精神奖”运动员将获得由NiteIze奈爱品牌提供的LED发光飞盘一个 每队一名MVP队员将获得下届厦门hat本人免费名额 冠、亚军队成员将获得由杭州小毛驴科技提供的冠军大奖 由醉@厦门为派对提供的的精酿啤酒 The tournament registration cost includes: Saturday and Sunday breakfast, lunch, and buffet Saturday night All-day water, bananas, and ice Field and other equipment Commemorative disc provided by X-COM Specialty Xiamen snack food provided by Xiamen Haji Sports A commemorative gift provided by Hanzhou Xiaomaolv Technology For each Spirit Award winner, a miniatureNiteIzelight-up Frisbee First place team members will receive a prize fromHanzhou Xiaomaolv Technology Beer provided by Xiaoshuai's bar, Drunk@Amoy
特别提示: 主办方将以收到在“活动行”平台上的报名及付款信息为准,报名后若不及时付款将被系统自动作废。 不接受名额转让申请,如需退赛请参看退款条款,自行申请退款。 请参赛队员每人带一件白色和一件深色T恤用于分队。 夏季海滩日晒强烈,请自备帽子、太阳眼镜、防晒霜等防晒物品 主办方将尽力清理海滩垃圾和贝壳等坚硬物品,但难保仍有遗留,如担心受伤,请自备沙滩鞋、袜子参加比赛。 厦门是热门旅游城市,恰逢端午假期,请尽早预订行程和住宿。 Please take note: The Tournament Directors will use the information you provide on this web site platform. If after registration you do not submit payment through Huodongxing's site in a timely manner, your registration will be automatically discarded by the site. We cannot allow replacements or substitutions. Refund is only allowed by Huodongxing up to 24 hours before the tournament. After that, and no refunds are allowed. Any refund will be subject to a 10 percent fee automatically deducted by Huodongxing. Each player please bring one white and one dark shirt for splitting teams. It will be very hot and sunny on the beach in Xiamen. Please bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and other necessities. The Tournament Directors will try our best to clear the beach of trash, shells and other hard objects. But it's impossible to clear everything, so if you have sensitive skin or are worried about sharp objects in the sand, please bring sandals, thick socks, or beach shoes for the tournament. Remember that this tournament takes place during a holiday and Xiamen is a tourist destination! Be sure to book train/plane tickets and hotel early!!!!
时间表: 5月8日 开放报名 5月31日 早鸟报名结束 6月13日 全部报名结束(或报满即止) 6月20日 全天循环赛、晚间派对 6月21日 全天淘汰赛、决赛,颁奖典礼 Schedule: May 8: Registration opens May 31: Early bird registration ends June 13: Registration ends!!!! June 20: All day games, party June 21: All day games, finals, awards ceremony
赛程赛制: 本次比赛场地大小为25m x 75m,每队上场5名队员。 比赛为男女混合分组赛,每队不超过12名队员,男女比例4:1或3:2(赛前双方确认,或由进攻方决定)。 具体赛程安排将在报名后通知参赛选手。 Games: Field size is standard beach ultimate size, 25m by 75m. Per beach ultimate rules there will be a maximum of 5 players per team on the field. Each team will have no more than 12 people, ratio will be 4:1 or 3:2 (Decided before the game by the captains, or decided by the attacking team) The exact game times will be released after registration
主题派对: 主题:没节操 时间:6月20日6-12pm 地点:厦门观音山梦幻海岸度假区尚悠海陆空俱乐部 Party: Theme: Shameless Time: June 20, 6 to 12 p.m. Place: Xiamen Guanyinshan Menghuan Hai'an Vacation Area FE Club 派对场地实景拍摄 Party Place
赛事联系人 Tournament Contacts: 歪歪 13564661551 Will 13255063170 xmultimate[at]gmail.com
住宿推荐 尚悠海陆空俱乐部 帐篷酒店 19、20日两晚赛事特价:280元(原价180元/晚) 包含: 一顶双层210cmx210cm双人帐篷 星级酒店四件套,棉被床单、枕头、防潮垫、帐篷灯、软胶拖鞋、鞋套 24小时豪华洗手间,淋浴房热水 俱乐部配套双人专属衣柜、双人洗漱用品 双人早餐、2瓶矿泉水。 住宿联系人: 郑先生(中/英文):15392424249 马小姐(中文):18064444169 公司电话:0592-8885508 地址:厦门观音山梦幻海岸度假区尚悠海陆空俱乐部
Recommended accommodations: FE Club Tent Hotel The evenings of the 19th and 20th, he special price is 280 yuan for two nights (original price is 180 yuan per night) That includes: A two-person tent A cotton sheet for inside the tent, pillow, sleeping pad, tent light, slippers, and shoe covers 24-hour nice bathroom with hot water showers Bath supplies Locker (shared by two people) Breakfast and bottle of water Contact: Mr. Zheng, 15392424249 Office number: 0592-8885508 Address: Xiamen Guanyinshan Mengyou Hai'an Vacation Area, FE Club 绝对是端午假期期间厦门岛内最浪漫又实惠的住宿选择 Absolutely the most romantic and affordable lodgings in Xiamen on this big holiday weekend!
鸣谢以下赞助伙伴(排名不分先后) Thanks to our Sponsor Partners