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2014-2-14 15:11| 发布者: leffwong| 查看: 2785| 评论: 0|原作者: Charlie Reznikoff|来自: the-huddle.org

摘要: 我们都见过一些全能的比赛队员,他们能长传,能Layout-D, 能防守,或者能在很好的防守下拉开空档,他们都是为人所钦佩。但是什么才算是一名角色队员呢?每一名队员都是。

What Is A Role Player?


by Charlie Reznikoff  http://www.the-huddle.org/authors/charlie_reznikoff/

We've all seen certain players take over games, throwing hucks, getting lay out Ds, or getting open against good defenders. These players are revered. What is a role player? Everyone else.

我们都见过一些全能的比赛队员,他们能长传,能Layout-D, 能防守,或者能在很好的防守下拉开空档,他们都是为人所钦佩。但是什么才算是一名角色队员呢?每一名队员都是。

I avoid using the term "role player" because it implies a value judgment on those players who don't get the glory. The player who throws hucks isn't a role player. The player who uses his mark to stop the hucks is a role player. You might not notice the second guy but he's why his team wins games (instead you think the thrower "just had a bad game").


The year Sub Zero went to semifinals their offense featured a slow player with bad throws whose job it was to set the stack and burn poaches. He played every O point and most points he didn't touch the disc. Because of him the primary cutter had a cutting lane. Sub Zero acknowledged this guy's contribution in the huddle, even though to other teams he was a joke. Had he not gotten credit for his role, he might have gotten greedy for the cutting lane. On every team, a few players will garner the attention and draw the cameras. The rest of us need to find ways to contribute quietly. How a team treats the players who don't get the glory affects the team's performance.

SUB ZERO(以下简称SZ)进入半决赛那年,他们的进攻组出现了一个跑不快扔不准的队员,他的作用只是排队(即竖排的第一个人)和找机会钻空挡,每一得分都没他的份,也几乎没有给他摸到盘发机会。但是,因为有了他,第一个CUT的人才能获得有了很好的路线。虽然在别的队看来他就是个打酱油的,SZ队却在会评时肯定了他的贡献。如果他在这个位置上没有被大家认可的话,也许他也会产生想要去CUT的贪念(因为能得盘)。在每个队伍,都有一些队员能吸引大家眼球,成为摄影师抓拍的对象,而剩下的队员却默默地寻求另外的方式做贡献。一个队伍的表现很大程度取决于队伍如何对待这些不起眼的队员。

Players should not be fitted to roles for strategic purposes. The role should be fitted to the player. Strategy in Ultimate and especially in college Ultimate is reactionary. In the 1990s almost all college teams played a vertical stack with two handlers. In the 2000s the Hodags brought the split-stack with three handlers and dominated. Today split-stack or some variant is widely used. People saw what worked and copied it. The thing is, split stack worked for the Hodags because it played to their strengths and because they understood it. As a strategy it is not in itself better than the vertical. As defenses adjust to the split and horizontal stacks, the vertical will come back. Every year 90% of college teams run approximately the same zone. A few teams did not get the memo, and they dream up their own zone. If these novel zones use the strengths of their players, they can surprise other teams. In Ultimate, roles are not platonic forms; they can be molded to the situation and to the player. A successful team uses whatever strategy best fits its players.


One of my first captains saw me working tirelessly to fix my weaknesses. "Don't do that," he said. "Spend 70% of your energy improving your strengths." He was right. I'll never win a game jumping. But I might win a game marking. Every player needs to excel in something, even if it's something subtle. When the player deploys that skill, his confidence grows, he'll relax, he'll play within himself, and the team will benefit. What he does won't get him on Clip of the Day. But he has developed a strength that he can count on in big moments. To develop a player, make him focus on his strengths. Then create a role for those strengths. As a team, celebrate his strengths. When he gets called a "role player," he'll just laugh. He knows what he's contributing.


封面图由Scobel Wiggins拍摄:http://photos.scobelwigginsphotography.com/v/ultimate_001/








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